Lumpfish Caviar (Cyclopterus lumpus)
Lumpfish caviar is made from the roe of the lumpfish. Lumpfish are found in the North Atlantic and lumpfish caviar typically comes from Iceland. The largest recorded female lumpfish was found in Icelandic waters, weighing in at 9,6kg and bearing 4kg of roe. The female lumpfish yields small black eggs classified as hard roe while male lumpfish eggs are called soft or white roe and are typically dyed red.
- Jar size: 50g | 100g | 340g | 500g
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Capelin Caviar (Mallotus villosus)
Capelin caviar is made from the roe of the capelin fish, a small fish and member of the pelagic family found in Iceland. The main supply of capelin roe comes from Icelandic waters. Capelin caviar has a firm, crunchy texture with a delicate flavor.
- Jar size: 50g | 100g | 340g | 500g
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Chum Salmon Caviar (Oncorhynchus keta)
Chum salmon eggs, from the chum salmon fish, produce large, pale, reddish-orange caviar. They have a mild fish flavor and a ‘pop’ when you bite into them.
- Jar size: 50g | 100g | 340g | 500g
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Coho Salmon Caviar (Oncorhynchus kisutch)
Coho salmon yield large, red-pink, mild-flavored eggs. Coho salmon caviar contains 3-4 mm eggs that produce a ‘pop’ when you bite into them.
- Jar size: 50g | 100g | 340g | 500g
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Masago (Mallotus villosus)
Masago is made from the roe of the capelin, a small fish and member of the pelagic family found in Iceland. The main supply of capelin roe comes from Icelandic waters. Masago is most popularly used to top sushi and sashimi dishes because of the bright color and mild flavor of the eggs.
- Plastic boxes: 500g